Building ‘walk’ in Shanghai complete with hanging leaves

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption The building has been built and will become the new Shanghai stock exchange building

It’s like a giant new parrot that walks. Or a long-necked baby bongo. Yes, the China Building and Special Logistics Centre is a walking construction project.

The 22,000m² (264,000sq ft) shopping centre was built in north Shanghai over a three-year period and comes just in time for the Chinese New Year’s Eve celebrations.

The centre is made up of 118 storeys, complete with 21,000 sq metres of floor space, and is currently the site of a new Shanghai stock exchange building.

It is the first such building to be built entirely on its own site.

Image copyright samesephotos Image caption The building is in its final stages of construction, raising hopes for it to be completed before the start of Spring Festival celebrations in early February

The 32-storey complex is completely empty except for engineers, construction workers and support staff.

It only came into use on 5 November when the Taihe Engineering Group began the work of putting on coats of paint and carpeting the floors.

When finished, the building will have four storeys of shops, food and drinks outlets, a hotel, restaurant and conference rooms as well as at least three main entrances.

Six restaurants are lined up on three of the floors.

The building, by Shanghaiyin Xingdeng Construction, sits on a former smelting site and is close to the North Waterfront District, which is designed as a new urban village.

Sensing a good business opportunity, Shanghaiyin Xingdeng Construction says it has set up an auxiliary company to manage the managing of two new shopping centres to help with the occupancy of this new work.

Image copyright samesephotos Image caption Four storeys of shops, food and drinks outlets are located on one floor

Image copyright seesephotos Image caption The China Building building is entirely vacant except for engineers, construction workers and support staff

This was the first such project in China, it said.

The China Building says it has also held trials on another shopping centre in Shanghai’s east suburbs in Taouwahu Village.

China’s construction industry has grown and diversified since the end of the 2008 global economic crisis but the country continues to struggle with urban environmental issues.

Image copyright seesephotos Image caption The building is in close proximity to the new Spring Festival parade

Dozens of multi-storey buildings and entire urban developments have collapsed as they were badly designed or built with flimsy materials.

Image copyright seesephotos Image caption One of the footbridges has an eye-watering price tag of £590,000

Shanghai’s environmentalists have been fighting to have more of the city’s buildings elevated to avoid the ugly cranes and construction cranes that litter the skyline.

Earlier this year, Shanghai approved new restrictions which will mean new buildings cannot be built lower than a certain height.

The China Building has a height limitation of three storeys and cannot be built below two storeys.

The footbridge is located at the bottom of the building.

Image copyright seesephotos Image caption The footbridge costs at least £590,000

The footbridge’s green posts are bronze and are supposed to blend into the building’s glass skin.

The platform at the bottom of the footbridge can be crossed by walking from either side.

There is no price for the footbridge.

However, it will be included in the overall construction cost.

Image copyright seesephotos Image caption A handrail protects visitors from the internal stairs

The handrail for the lift is a super-high-tech hydraulic system which guides visitors up the stairwells.

They have been fitted with textured plastic decks and a ferris wheel-type mechanism.

As well as viewing platforms, the tunnel has a slot and plenty of plant life along the way.

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